Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One out the million more yaoi mangas to go!!

Michidure Policy / Michizure Policy / Traveling Companion's Policy
By" Kitakami Ren

    Sad , Animea, my main source of yaoi reading, took off this awesome series. (HOW CAN THEY!!??)
    So then i had to go searching for it and surprisingly , counting the fact that i totally miserably failed with the template, I found it!!!  Click here to download. AF did the scanlation and subbing , thank u for the series.  So cute!! I loved the drawings!! This artist is soo good, he/she makes the drawings so cute when in chibi form and so cool in non-chibi form. (Hopefully u understand wat i mean) The H-parts got mainly skipped, but the last chap was fulfilling in the H-part, which was good !! >.< .Heehhe... Love mean semes~ And feel pity for Hinora (<---- did i spell it right,...?), he got rejected but still kinda, helped them~  recommend, recommend, !! mhmm.. One out of a million more yaois to go!! 


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