Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ahahaha... New beginning~ :)

        Mhmmm.... I've always wanted a blog where i can just randomly jot down my thoughts , summary, or random stuff about MANGA!!! ( Especially yaoi mangas!!! I'm a yaoi addict >.<) Man, this is harder than i thought though.
       1. I wanted a template, a suitable one i liked so i went through MILLIONS!, repeat: MILLIONS of templates and found none that suited my taste, and 2. fyi, i am not a very choosy picker. So , i searched and searched and still no template for me; therefore, i decided to create one myself. Now, you know, or you probably don't, that making a new brand new off the scratch template is not that easy , more like, IT'S DAMN HARD. Especially for a brand new beginner who understands nothing , nothing at all about these stuff. Well through some basic research and goofing around, i came to understand a teeny bit more about it. But not at the level where I can create one yet. Well I'm tired of rambling now and my brain was killing me with all these stuff. And i just realized I DIDN'T READ ANY MANGA TODAY YET!! so then, i decided to read manga ( cause i can't go living for one day without it) and deal with the template crap later. Later = when i feel like it = maybe in a few more years. Hopefully i will try, TRY  to get one template. For now , I'll stick with this one, cause i like the theme :) (and the teddy bear , it is a bear right..? on the front page..? ??)


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